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Chrome ore concentrate machine

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chrome ore introduction

Chrome ore is usually for production of ferrochromium and chrome, which is widely used in metallurgical industry, refractory matter, chemical industry and so on. Chrome ore is one of the most valuable metal ore in the world. Chrome ore mining and beneficiation is an important industry in some countries such like South Africa, Kazakhstan, India, Turkey and so on.

Chrome ore concentrate machine

Beneficiation operations typically serve to separate and concentrate mineral values from waste materials, remove the impurities or prepare the ore for further refinement. Beneficiation activities do not change the mineral values themselves other than by reducing (crushing and grinding) or enlarging (pelletising and briquetting) particle size to facilitate further processes. Chromite ore is beneficiated for processing using several methods, depending on the ore source and the end use requirements. Coarse clean ore is hand sorted, while the fine clean ore is gravity separated. Lumpy ore mixed with host rock may require heavy medium separation. If chromite minerals occurs in fine grains intermixed with host rock, crushing, gravity separation and magnetic separation may be used .


SBM Concentrate equipments are designed for continuous 24 hour per day operation in chemical, industrial mineral and ore processing industries. Units are supplied in two basic confi gurations: bridge or centre pier mounted in diameters from 5 to 75 m.


Lift Mechanism

For bridge mounted drive heads rake lift is through a torque tower which is bolted to the main wheel and drives the rake shaft through a keyway. The rake shaft is raised and lowered by a motor driven screw jack.


For centre pier mounted drive heads, the drive head is supported by a pier and drives the rakes through a torque cage. The drive head and rake torque cage are raised and lowered by motor driven screw jacks

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